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MAST is an open-source and evolving set of cognitive techniques aimed at promoting better emotional health for individuals in a non-hierarchical or medical model.

MAST draws heavily upon the techniques found in Rational Emotive Therapy, Existential Psychology, Cognitive Behavioral Techniques, Dialectical behavioral Therapy and related systems. Its focus is to teach techniques of thinking that can allow individuals to make positive changes in their emotional lives. Though MAST is at its core self-therapy it relies on the power of small groups (triads) of peers to support the individual as they gain self-mastery of the MAST tools. Participants in MAST alternate between counselor and consoled so that they gain a better understanding of the aspects of MAST. This constant fluidity between roles through the triad ultimately not only creates healthier participants but creates people who can support others in the community. MAST rejects the traditional hierarchical roles in the mental health system creating a more immersive and deeper understanding of the techniques and allowing participants to add to MAST theory and practice.

MAST is not traditional psychotherapy nor is it group therapy. MAST uses the principle of mutual aid and a growing open source collection of techniques to help overcome emotional difficulties in their lives. MAST is not a substitute, nor does it seek to undermine, traditional psychotherapy and psychiatry but to provide a rational and effective self-therapy based on our radical principles. MAST was started by professional mental health professionals but seeks to create an effective and supportive practice to improve one’s mental wellness together with other people sharing their desire for a radical change in society.

For more information on upcoming events, check our online calendar or contact us at themastproject[at]gmail.com.

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